Sunday, September 19, 2010

Some recent family fun...

One family walk/outing to the creek by our house...

After this initial picture I had to ask Daddy to squat so I could get a better close-ups of everyone... :) Daddy is still quite a bit taller than our 4 and 2 year old.

The boys are sporting their new "fall" jackets Granny and Papaw got them...(if Mateo's looks small its because it practically shrunk 2 sizes which we didn't realize until this Costco let us exchange for larger size :))

We were so blessed to get to see (for a very short time) a hard working beaver, before it went under the water when it heard us and our dog. (Have I ever mentioned my extreme like for beavers? They are amazingly designed should look them up sometime...of course if you are like me you have tons of spare time to do this...:)*sarcasm* )

The boys on a little adventurous route that Mommy chose to stay on the paved path and take pics. from.

I did make it down this little rabbit trail though...

Noah helping Daddy unload the dishwasher...Our boys love to help and in our house (though we never use this word) "chores" are a privilege and a fun family activity where we "work as a team"together. It is a little funny/ironic that when our oldest is in trouble and needs consequences for a bad choice/behavior or attitude...for him one of the most effective "consequence" is not being able to help and work with Daddy or Mommy.

Look at his proud happy smile!

Helping Daddy make Mommy a treat!! Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Soy-free, Corn-free, banana bread (recipe adapted from the best banana bread ever from Guatemala!!) Believe it or not you probably couldn't tell the difference and it is such a wonderful treat for Mommy right now!! Thank you boys!! Now if only Mommy would share more right? :) (I do share a little...:))

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