Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Major Catch-up! Please start with Part 1 and work your way up!

Hello everyone!!! I am soo glad to get this blog caught up and I am very sorry for keeping you all waiting!! We were pretty much sick with 2 different bugs for about 5 and 1/2 weeks!!! Noah and I had it the worst! Noah started with Bronchialitis and then after improving, a week later ended up with pneumonia. We just slowly plugged our way through it, holidays, and anything else that came our way...2 flat tires, freezer on our fridge stopped working, sprang a leak in our kitchen pipes on a night were the outside temps were around -30 below zero for example. Then once we were doing better (a few weeks ago...) and I knew I was really behind on here...I just froze (no pun intended). Do you ever do that? Get so overwhelmed with something that you just can't do it? That sometimes seems to be the story of my life :) OK...enough of the exposing of my weaknesses!! I hope you all enjoy these pages :Major Catch-up! Part 1-8. They are in chronological order, so please start there! We hope you all had wonderful Christmases! We would love to hear from you all! Keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! The pictures are all great! I have really enjoyed seeing your family again! God Bless, lucy armistead

Tina said...

Hi Maria, The babies are so gorgeous! I love the photos. Warm regards, Tina Fleetwood

Mandy said...

Maria, Your boys are just as cute as can be! All of your family pictures are wonderful! You'll have to share Mindy's hints for great photos with the rest of us. :) Love your new haircut, too! I hope things are looking up after your rough holiday season.
Take care! Mandy Doering

Nikki....Gabi's Mama said...

Glad you are all feeling better. The boys are so cute and very smiley...adorable.