Friday, January 25, 2008


This is my mom's favorite picture!!! She says I look like a little pirate!

Don't worry I don't actually dress like this in public (the bandanna) mom and dad were just messing with me!

OK I know this looks odd...but I think it is very clear what these clippy things where really made for! I am a bull !I am pretty sure I don't like it this way...thanks anyway Daddy!

Now to show you my new winter boots! The other pair I had were too big and I couldn't really walk in them...So Mommy went and found a great deal at Once Upon a Child and she insisted I try them on (even though I was ready for bed and it was way past my bedtime!!)

Daddy says I look like a superhero...
Mommy thinks a western gunslinger...
I think just plain silly!
"I don't trust you any farther than I can throw you..."
"insert evil menacing laugh here"


Katie said...

I"m cracking up. Those are priceless.

SarahJane said...

Would it be alright if I linked your blog on our blog page? I am planning to blog more now that we are away from more family.
Let's talk soon!