Friday, January 9, 2009

Major Catch-up! Part 1

I don't seem to have barely any pictures from Thanksgiving...I have lots of video...we just had lots of family taking pics...if you are reading this and you know who you are...:) please share! We all went and spent Thanksgiving with my Grandparents at their house. My mom (Papaw had to work :( ) Melissa and John (up from Seattle), and ourselves all drove down to Kenai...we got to see our Uncle Tom and Aunt Sonja and their son (my cousin)Diamond and Uncle Rich. It was a precious time together! We also watched fireworks and went for Mateo's real first sledding experience! Great Grandpa pulled for the walk and then Aunt Missy, Daddy, and Mommy took turns going with Mateo down a few hills...there was only one "crash" with snow in the face...but don't ask Mateo about it that a month has passed he has finally stopped talking about and blaming Aunt Missy and Uncle John for the "crash-boom". He is so dramatic sometimes...I don't know who he gets that from (he he he)

Here he is infront of Great Grandma and Grandpa's chairs. This is how and where he was set up when we were all casually eating (not all around the table). Doesn't he look like a little beach bum? Just a little to comfortable! :)

Saying Goodbye to Aunt Missy...thanks you two for coming up and visiting us again! We feel very privalaged that you spend all of your vacation time to come see all of us!

Since writing this draft Melissa sent me these Thanksgiving photos!! Thanks Aunt Missy!

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