Monday, July 21, 2008

Recouping after party-rest of B-Day weekend.

So after the party...around 1:00pm we went home, unloaded everything, we all changed into p.j.s or sweats, put Mateo in bed for a very long nap, and then we took our own very needed nap! We pretty much relaxed the rest of the day...Once Mateo woke up he got a chance to play with some of his new toys...

This is Sunday (the next morning)...I just had to take this picture of his hair...rough day/night?
Then after church, we went to a big joint picnic for Granny's work. Here I am before we headed out...don't I look stylin?

And finally...this is my birthday gift from Granny and Papa, Uncle John and Aunt Missy, and Aunt Mindy! How wonderful! I will have so much fun for years to come on this! It took Daddy, Mommy, and Aunt Mindy, 6-7 hours to put this together! Yikes! Thank you all for my swingset! I love it!

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