Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Many Faces of Mateo!

Hola! My mom thinks all these pictures show potential for a future modeling career!!

My friend Zach and me!

"How you do'n?"
Puckering up...mmmm...mmmmaaah (the end of the kissing noise)

Mom...really! Can't I get any peace around here! This potty thing is hard work...

I give new meaning to "suave"!

I see you...I think I am going to take your picture...

(menacing laugh part 1)

(menacing laugh part 2)


mel_twitchell said...

Yeah, he's wearing his hat the right way! :) Glad to see he still likes the plane. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend. Mateo's getting big hugs and kisses from me!

Love you,

P.S. Every time he cracks himself up, he cracks me up! Mateo's a monkey!

Katie said...

Oh my! He's so cute!! Uh...and remind me not to borrow that book...