Friday, September 14, 2007

Aunt Mindy, Aunt Missy and Uncle John come to visit...

We were so excited to have M's family come up and visit for almost two whole weeks!! (all the way from Minnesota and Seattle) Aunt Mindy had never met Little M and Aunt Missy missed him like crazy since the time in Guatemala when she escorted me down and helped me get settled with Little M. (Uncle John had not met him yet either) We started the time off, by going camping the first weekend near my Grandparents house. (2.5 hours from our city) It was a lot of fun (or at least some of us enjoyed it ;) ) We have some "city folk" in our family that still had to drive to town to have their daily dose of Starbucks! :) It was a great grandparents and uncles and aunt and best family friend (you know who you are ;) came and had dinner with us around the campfire! It was a good time to have family catch up with each other. Then after the camping trip we just came home and enjoyed a week of relaxing... at the end of the week (right before they had to leave) we went to the State Fair. Little M got to see a lot of farm animals for the first time and we all enjoyed the hot weather (yes it was hot for the 70s) and good food and entertainment. Here are only a few pictures from this time...more will be coming soon.

This was us packing for our camping trip...

This is sitting around the campfire...

This is me right after I was dropped by my mean canoing with my mom and dad

This is me with my Uncle John...he is funny ...

This is me playing with my aunt can't see her but she is a blast to play with and she takes tons of great pictures of me ( I am quite a ham) I am also quite blind after a week with her :) he he he (all the flashes going off :)
And this is me being very inquisitive of my Aunt Missy...she has something in her hand that I really want...if I smile just right she maybe she will give it to me...
Don't worry there are more pics to come...ones that actually include the family we are alluding to :) I know it isn't allllll about Little M.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love those shots of M!!!